Sea Bass Ocean City
Sea Bass Ocean City. Sea Bass just opened and it was a good day ! Good Times!
Sea Bass Ocean City. Sea Bass just opened and it was a good day ! Good Times!
Good Times! Ocean City Flounder & Bluefish fishing in the bay has been fun and as the water and weather continues to warm up so will the fishing.
Today was fun, Flounder and Bluefish.
Fluke Fishing! Fluke / Flounder season just opened May 4th and there are some nice fluke around Ocean City. Good Times!
Trophy Tog Hunt continues. Today we had black fish up to 16lbs. Good Times!
Tog fishing for trophies! All big fish released safely , Good Times!
Inshore Tog Open Boat this Friday 19th. $175 pp call or text Captain Rob 609-515-6161.
Black Fishing Ocean City has been Good Times!
Captain Rob 609-515-6161 MOOVER Fishing.
Here is a PDF of some of the 2024 fishing regulations in New Jersey.